
Ignite invests in AI voice authentication market

Midwich Ignite announces today its investment into DeepTrust as part of its pre-seed fundraise. DeepTrust’s AI voice authentication and deepfake detection software helps security teams defend against advanced social engineering, fraud, and phishing attempts. Founded by Aman Ibrahim and Noah Kjos, DeepTrust aims to become the global leader in deepfake security with pre-seed funds helping to accelerate its go-to-market capabilities.

Will Fenby, Investment Manager of Midwich Ignite, said: 

"Another great investment for Midwich Ignite, this time in the voice authentication market. With the rise of genAI, we believe the market for AI-first digital trust and deepfake detection is poised for hyper-growth over the next few years."

Watch Aman on Midwich Live, Midwich's live streaming video podcast, discussing their AI voice authentication and deepfake detection software.

For more information, please visit the DeepTrust website